Roads and Maritime Services
Historic and Classic Vehicle Log Book
Transport for NSW recently conducted a review of the Log Book Trial, operating under the Historic and Classic Vehicle Schemes. As part of the Trial, Transport for NSW received feedback from a broad range of stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
From 1 October 2019, the Log Book will become a permanent feature of the Historic and Classic Vehicle Schemes. Transport for NSW will deliver a number of improvements to the schemes over the next 12 months based on the feedback received during the review.
Existing requirements introduced during the Trial will continue to apply to participants, including:
- Vehicles registered under the Historic and Classic Vehicle Schemes can be operated for 60 days of general road use each year, outside of club organised events.
- Each day of general use must be recorded in a Log Book issued at Service NSW branches.
- Owners wishing to opt into the Log Book program should be a member of a Transport for NSW recognised Classic or Historic Vehicle Club, or Approved Organisation participating in the Log Book program.
Information and updates to the Log Book program and proposed improvements will be communicated to Historic and Classic Vehicle Clubs and Approved Organisations in writing in the coming weeks.
Please ensure Transport for NSW has up-to-date club contact details, including a valid email address, so we can inform you of upcoming changes to the Log Book.
If you have any questions related to the Log Book program, please email us at:
Yours sincerely,

Melinda Bailey
Executive Director
Compliance and Regulatory Services Division
Safety Environment and Regulation
Roads and Maritime Services