Other CMC Documents
How The CVVTMC Now CMC Was Founded
Prior the founding of the CVVTMC now CMC inter and combined club events were a popular way for veteran and vintage car owners to meet and enjoy usually social picnic days. There was only a small amount of clubs and in February 1963 an idea to form a representative body of similar interest clubs was initiated with the idea of holding a combine display day. At the time there were some prominent people who were members of more than one club. Namely George Green of the Veteran Car Club of New South Wales (VCCA) and also a member of Rolls Royce Owners Club (RROC) and the Vintage Sports Car Club (VSCC) George Roberts of the VCCA and VSCC and Bruce Cooper of the Antique and Classic Motor Club (ACMC) and also a member of the VCCA. Out of those personalities Bruce Cooper suggested the forming of the Federation of Veteran and Vintage Car Clubs Inc in May 1963 with and outline proposal to be lodged with CAMS. Notices were sent out to the original founding seven car clubs that a meeting be convened for July 1963 where it was decided to form the Council of Veteran Vintage and Thoroughbred Motor Clubs Inc. George Green of the VCCA, RROC and VSCC was elected President.
The first multi club display day was organised for Sunday the 29th of August 1965 at Warwick Farm Racecourse, it was a picnic day as well as a display with cars representing the Veteran Car Club, Antique and Classic Motor Club, Rover Owners Club, Rolls Royce Owners Club, Lancia Car Club, Riley Car Club, Vintage Sports Car Club, Vintage Motor Club, Armstrong Siddeley Club, Alvis Car Club, Vintage Motor Cycle Club. There was a diverse array of cars and motor cycles all Veteran and pre World War 2 and a events trophy sponsored by Castrol that was presented to Mr J Atterton a member of the ACMC by Mr Geoge Green President of the CVVTMC.
The Council, originally named The Council of Veteran, Vintage and Thoroughbred Motor Clubs (CVV&TMC). Being a somewhat unwieldy name, many enthusiasts referred to it as "Fred"; less of a mouthful.
The name change
In November 2000 the Council became an incorporated body and was re-named The Council of Motor Clubs, Inc. or CMC. The CMC is, in turn, affiliated with the Australian Historic Motoring Federation (AHMF), a national organisation uniting similarly orientated councils from around Australia.
The role of the CMC is a representative one – it represents affiliated clubs and their members with authorities such as the Roads & Maritime Services Authority of NSW with reference to Conditional Historic Registration; the Federal Government on matters such as leaded fuel and its continued availability, and such like.
At no time is the Council a "controlling" body; it may issue guidelines or advice on an issue when requested, but it will never tell an affiliated club what to do.
By 2025, the CMC is made up of over 230 specialty motoring clubs as affiliates – those clubs contain an estimate of over 30,000 members with diverse interests including trucks, buses, trams, ex-military vehicles, fire engines, motor cycles/scooters and cars, road going and racing, from the veteran, vintage, pre-war, post-war and modern eras.
The CMC stages a number of events each year for the participation of members of affiliated clubs and to enthusiastically showcase our movement to the general public. The National Motoring Heritage Day happens each year; in mid May with as many historic vehicle owners as possible being encouraged to take their vehicle out on the roads for a day's enjoyable motoring and visiting a number of sites along the way.
The Council's premier event of each year is the Shannons Sydney Classic, held on a weekend in August each year. Over 1900 classic club vehicles are on display on the Sunday, with each club involved in parade laps around the track, and Concours judging of some of the best historic and club vehicles in NSW. It is a great family day with music, double-decker bus rides around the track and lots of things for the little ones.
The Classic, as it is called has been held at the Sydney Motorsport Park (formerly Eastern Creek International Raceway) for over 20 years.
The CMC meets on a bi-monthly basis.
The November General Meeting coincides with the Annual General Meeting, for the regular presentation of reports, and election of the Executives and Committee for the ensuing year.
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